Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I haven't written anything on this blog. All of my posts have been to muk_raker's Clean Water blog. I wish someone would read anything I write. I'm sincere and accurate. However my last name isn't Palin, so you won't be seeing my skinny, white, hairy legs any time soon  on Dancing with the stars. OH HO HO.

It is time to really thank whatever you can because it's gonna get worse. Sorry to say. Enjoy as much as you can for as long as you can. Winter is here.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clean water is taken for granted in most 1st and 2nd world peoples. Have you ever been really thirsty? Most have at some time in life. Suppose that it would take approximately 3-4 hour wait in line with thousands of others in the same position. Think about it. Thirsty people, the world round, are in just this position every day. Sad?... Heartbreaking. I want to do something to help. I've an idea for a solar powered, r/o, uv filtered portable unit for about $1400 each. That's not a lot considering that it would produce about 35-40 gal. of pure, refined water per hour. Most thirsty people will drink anything when thirsty. Water in these remote places usually has animal feces and major micro diseases. So, here's the dilemma.

Do you have anything to say about this? Please feel free to put your ideas down here.